
Hey gang,

So here I am, sitting in my journalism 285 class, where I’m supposed to start a blog. What’s funny is that I already blog. Religiously. Maybe you stumbled upon this while not paying attention in psychology, maybe you’re a classmate of mine that’s forced to read my blog and critique it, or maybe you actually want to read my writing (okay, so that one’s a little far fetched). But regardless of how you got here, I’m writing this blog about my favorite place – San Luis Obispo. Recently, National Geographic and Oprah Winfrey showed up in my quaint little college town to spotlight it as the happiest place in America (second in the world only to Copenhagen). But why? That’s my question. So follow me, as I discover what makes SLOcals love this place so much, why thousands of students apply to Cal Poly every year, and what really makes my town smile. Keep checking back as I update this page. Maybe you’ll find some new happy place or another reason to love your town. I’m hoping I will. (:

About hannahcat7

I'm overwhelmed by love, and I think everyone else should be, too.

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